Virtual Photoshoot: Hannah

Virtual Photoshoot: Hannah

This was my very first virtual shoot. I was so nervous. I’ve seen so many of these and they looked so good!

But it was so fun and I was surprised how well the images came out. Obviously the quality isn’t as good as an actual camera but it is still good nonetheless.

Virtual Photoshoots

Virtual Photoshoots

As you probably already know Covid-19 has been making it very hard to get out and shoot but members of the Build + Bloom Facebook group I’m in have been doing these virtual photoshoots.

It’s a fun way to stay creative and meet like minded creatives from all over the world.

Whether you have FaceTime, Messenger, Hangouts, Zoom, Skype, or any video messaging platform. I encourage you to give this a try.

Here are a few photos from shoots I’ve already done. More on these to come!